Monday, August 13, 2012


This morning I had a dream that I left for work with my big puffy jacket and Uggs on. I was so hot in the subway, but kept telling myself that it was cold outside. Not quite sure what that dream means, but if I had to guess, I'm not wanting summer to end. As Stark from Game of Thrones would say, "Winter is coming."

I've been away for a few days, so pardon the lack of posts last week. We ventured down south to OBX - specifically Avon, NC - for some time with the family. Although much of it was spent in the car, we had a wonderful time catching up with the family and my cute little nephews. Bailey dog also tagged along and I caught her sleeping sitting up most of the ride. She can fall asleep anywhere, that one.

On the way down, we stopped by an old favorite, Capt'n Franks, located in Kitty Hawk, for a foot long dawg. These are the BEST hotdogs you will ever eat. I promise.

A trip to the beach without going here, isn't a trip worth having, in my opinion. I've been going here since I was a little girl and Capt'n Franks is our family's favorite place to eat at the beach.

Despite the weather man saying that it would rain all week, it actually didn't and we had beautiful sunshine and evenings like this

We sat on the porch, watched the sun set, then the falling stars and ate watermelon. Can't get much better than that. I wish I'd taken more pictures, but our time just went by too quickly.


  1. That hot dog looks nothing less than amazing. I went to a schmancy, hipster hot dog place in the Burgh recently and tried to order the Carolina requisite mustardonionchilislaw.....the onion was a pickled onion and cucumber, the chili was a chunky, beef brisket SOUP, and the slaw was some asian, kim-chi type.

    BLECH. I'll have to stick to homemade from now on.

  2. Oh no! That does not sound good! I hate when they think that chili should be chunky. What's up with that? You need a good Carolina style one stat!
