Monday, May 7, 2012

A New App For That

So, if you're anything like me, you use your iPhone to snap photos all the time. I don't remember the last time I pulled out my nice big camera. It's just a convenience thing for me. Well, plus I don't have to lug that big camera around with me. So I guess it's a space thing too. I know that nothing takes the place of a dslr camera, but at least for my everyday use, my iPhone does.

Yesterday morning, I spent some quiet time on the couch reading my BH&G magazine and they had a great article about photos and apps. They recommended the camera+ app, so I bought it (I'm an easy sell). I've been testing it out and so far really like it. It's somewhat similar to Instagram but has this cool clarity function that enhances colors. Basically everything is a lot brighter and truer to color than without it.

Here's a shot that I took with my regular camera phone

And here it is with camera+

Not too big of a difference, but it does have a zoom feature and grid so that your photos don't come out crooked (see aforementioned photo). Though, I think it's grainier.

One of my favorite models. She was not amused.

And our tasty Indian lunch yesterday

Have any of y'all had luck with this app or are there other camera apps that you recommend? I'll be testing this one out more to see if it was worth the whole 99 cents that I spent.

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