The bags are packed, Miss Bailey has been dropped off at the kennel (tear) and most everything on our checklist has been crossed off - France and Italy, here we come.
As I mentioned, The Husband and I are taking a late anniversary trip to the French Rivera and the coast of Italy. Fortunately (though usually unfortunately) since NY taxes are so high, the government gave us a generous tax return and alas, we are going on a trip. Thanks, NYC.
For anyone curious on our whereabouts, we are flying into Nice and will take day trips to Cannes (film festival perhaps/Brad Pitt?), Saint Tropez and Monte Carlo. Then, we'll take the train to Cinque Terre (five towns) in Italy and will stay in Monterosso. I'm hoping to find free wifi along the way so I can post pictures from our trip. If any of y'all have been, would love to hear suggestions on where to eat, drink, visit.
Until then, Au revoir & Caio!
Images from Google.
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