Thursday, October 7, 2010

Decorating for Fall

I'm a summer girl at heart. I would pick warm weather over cool any day. But, I do love the start of fall and the changes in season, despite the fact that fall promises winter and winters up here are way too cold for me.

I've been looking for a quick project to change up the apartment a bit. It's hard when you don't own your place and therefore don't have much liberty to change things. The other night The Husband caught me just staring at the wall in the kitchen. I know, I'm weird like that. I told him that I'm going to change it up a bit and make it more "fally" whatever that means. Then I read my October issue of Southern Living and got some inspiration.
Photos from Southern
I'll let ya'll know how my decorating for fall goes. Hopefully I'll have something to reveal next week. If not, maybe I'll just carve a pumpkin and call it a day!

1 comment:

  1. if you need acorns, we have a boatload. And I might be able to pick up some cotton at Mapleton next weekend. Let me know.
